Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Switching Gears or working on a need to sew basis

No, I didn't finish sewing the Windowpane blanket yet. What I have sewn came out all bumpy and I'm not at all sure that I like it. My aunt maintains that she does, but I wonder if she's just saying that.

And now, now that I don't need to finish it right this very moment, I find myself pulled to other things. Like the baby sweater I am going to attempt for not one, but two friends who are currently pregnant. I'm not at all sure how these are going to work out, which is why I am starting them now (really, I should have started when I got the first "I'm pregnant!" call). I figure if it doesn't work out, the kid can always get a blanket and booties and maybe a little hat to match. For now, I will attempt the sweater.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Baby sweaters are great because they go together really quickly. They got me hooked on knitting again when we were awaiting the arrival of my nephew. Good luck with that!