Sunday, July 31, 2005


Finishing has to be my least favorite part of any project. Right now, I'm trying to finish sewing together strips of an afghan for my aunt. I started to put them together, but I think it would look better if the one strip was flipped over. I don't know how to explain it, except that the bump seems to be on the side that looks more like the front. So now I think I have to rip out all of the sewing together and start over. At least I'm only part way through the first sewn together part, but it took me a long time to do anyway, I'm not looking forward to ripping it out and starting over. And I have to finish the "finishing" by Friday night when I'm going to see my aunt. You would think I would learn. You would think I would finish things well in advance of their assigned date. But I don't. I never have. I don't with work, school, or knitting. I guess, to a certain extent, the question is, "Why start now?"

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