Monday, July 18, 2005

Wherefore, wherefore art thou blog?

So I guess the big question is "why." I don't have time to knit everything I want to knit; why would I choose to write about knitting? I guess part of it is that it seems very "now." To be part of a cultural phenomenon is interesting. And to be a part of a cultural community, whatever it is, real or not. It probably won't last long. I'm not very witty, don't have particularly deep wisdom to impart, and will most likely bore of it sooner rather than later. But for now, I write. Also, it's just fun, and how often do we get to say that any more. I'm doing this just because it is fun and it is making my heart happy. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but for right now.

This is often how I feel about knitting. I'm not very good at it. Mostly, I stick to things that require no joining, sewing, blocking, or sleeves. I'm particularly horrid at creating sleeves. Oh, and "armhole shaping" and things of the sort. And if it has any sort of actual "pattern" I will move on to something else. But I enjoy it while I'm doing it, and I enjoy giving the things I create to people. And for me, that's enough.

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