Thursday, July 28, 2005

I had so much trouble getting up for work this morning. One might think that it was because of the weather and that I wanted to play outside now that the weather has broken, but really, it was lack of desire. All I wanted to do was sit inside, watch some movies and work on the Prayer Shawl. I feel as though I am NEVER going to finish it. Or maybe go outside and work on the Prayer Shawl. Either way, I just didn't want to be at work.

It probably didn't help that I stayed up late talking to my baby brother. And then, when I got off the phone with him, I couldn't fall asleep. I'm very happy for him, though. He just found out that he passed the first part of his CFA exam. WOO HOO! I think he's crazy, personally. I can't imagine why anyone would want to take this thing. It's three parts, and you have to pass all three parts in order to be certified. Or, you know, Certifiable. And you study for this for like SIX MONTHS. I know, I know. I'm going to law school, so how is it really any different, right? To quote Ethan Hawke's character in Reality Bites, "I was told there'd be no math on this exam." If there were math on the LSAT, I don't think I ever would have taken it.

I would knit him something warm and cuddly in celebration, but the boy lives in California, so what does he need warm for? And if he wants cuddly, he has a great girlfriend. I don't know that I would call her "cuddly" necessarily, but she's good to him and for him, so I don't think it's a negative that she isn't cuddly.

Besides, for his college graduation, I made him a blanket, that he keeps on his bed every night. He said that it's nice to have when he wakes up at 4:30 am and it is actually cold there. When he moved there, I had visions of it being stashed in a closet someplace never to emerge. I did ask him if he wanted something more lightweight for the couch, but he said that he wouldn't use it. I can respect that. I don't understand it, but I can respect it. Even over the summer, I find that I so frequently dive under a lightweight blanket, just to have the feeling of something covering me while I'm sitting on the couch. And I would never go to sleep without something over me. It used to be that I felt I needed something heavy, but now I'm content with a topsheet if it's very warm out. In any case, though I don't understand, I'm not about to start making him a new blanket.

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